Free Strategy Assessment placeholder
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Ashgrove’s review begins with asking you how you currently see the state of your business, followed by some easy structured questions which will result in an easy to read ‘situation report’. This will indicate which parts of the business are most likely to benefit from further work and will improve, often significantly, the organisation’s growth, profitability and efficiency.



When did you last look at your organisation, your processes and take a step back to look at your overall performance? Planning is an essential process that every business needs to undertake. How many of us have quickly cobbled together a plan for the bank or a grant (those were the days…), printed out a copy and sent it off without another thought?



In today’s economic environment, the efficient use of all your resources is vital. Ashgrove provides an all-round view of these – from people to funding. This can take the form of a formal assessment or just talking through the issues with a simple check list. We can often find ways to release hidden cash in the organisation.
